Donation-based yoga classes catered to those living with cancer and their caregivers.
Our Be Well Yoga Classes are designed with extreme care and attention to creating optimal well-being for those living with and recovering from cancer.
Cancer changes your body, your choices, your power, your everything. Yoga helps to restore balance – physically and emotionally. Be Well Therapy is a community where you can find peace and stillness among the chaos of life with cancer.
The Be Well Way
Our Be Well Weekly Classes are a safe haven for our students. We’ve created a loving community where students feel comfortable being just who they are as they renegotiate their relationship with themselves and figure out their “new normal.”
Over 500 cancer survivors and students served to date.
11 weekly in-person and online Be Well Therapy Classes
Over 100 Be Well Teachers trained with essential techniques to adapt yoga for individuals living with cancer
“I was stage 4, and now I’m clear, and I totally attribute that to just learning how to relax and let go of things…and that’s from Be Well.”
Our Impact and Testimonials
With 6 weekly classes offered in-person in San Diego & Orange County and 5 online, we’ve created a community full of strength, love, hope, and acceptance. Check out what the Be Well Community is sharing about their unique experience.